Well, I've had a DS for a long time and wanted to pick a game. The day I was picking one up I was reminded of some memories of an anime that had a Phoenix Wright Reference in it. I figured "Why not" ya know? So, I picked up and brought home a used "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney" It was a game that i really liked. Though I can't explain why. Eventually, I was looking up Youtube videos, Tabs, and What order the next games went in. I coulndn't pick up the second, but got the third and fourth.
Eventually, me and friend just kept making references back and fourth. Things like "You clearly contradicted yourself" and pointing at each other.
Quite a bit after I had gotten Phoenix Wright, I finally got my hands on flash. I wasn't sure what to do, i wanted a small project, and i got one. I made an educational flash for my astronomy class starring nintendo's Kirby. I had a lot of fun doing that and wanted to takle a larger task.
Well, here I am about 2 months later and I thought I could make up a Phoenix Wright Game on Flash. Easy. So, I planned out a murder, then evidense, then characters, then backstory.
All of which was in my head until today.
After Drawing a character design for a friend (God i hate yellow), I wrote out character's, found some names online, and made a timeline. I have to draw up some character desings, and see how i'm gonna do this in flash. Gotta make some more planning, and find out how to do some basic/intermediate action scripting. I have to plan out how i'm gonna do the Scenes, what buttons will lead where and get some voice acting.
Not to bad, I had a lot of fun with the Kirby educatoinal flash, I think i'm gonna have a lot of fun doing this....interactive movie.
The worst of my fears right now is actionscripting. Specifically, how i'm gonna do the court record, and how i'm gonna make a life gauge. Perhaps i'll try and get a hold of The person who made that one phoenix wright game that starred Pico for Pico day 2008.
Plus I'm worried about my voice actors.